Alexander Heights
Ph (08) 9343 0278 or 0422 710 020

Mon ~ Fri: 10am - 5:30pm
Sat: 10am - 5:00pm
(Some Sat: 10am - 1pm)
Sundays & Public Holidays Closed
Other Times By Appointment
Ortho-K Vision Correction
Ortho-K is the short name for Orthokeratology (Corneal Reshaping), an amazing breakthrough in corrective vision which allows excellent daytime vision without glasses or contact lenses.
Near Perfect Day Time Vision Without Contacts or Glasses Orthokeratology is a non-surgical, 100% naturally reversible gentle reshaping of the eye using specially designed contact lenses that you wear whilst sleeping. After waking in the morning, you remove your Ortho K contact lenses to find near perfect vision. Your reshaped corneal surface allows clear and natural vision for the rest of your waking day… without the need for prescription glasses or contact lenses!
Applies to most Optical Conditions Wearing Ortho K contact lenses overnight will give you between 1-2 days of near perfect vision, depending on the degree of optical correction you require. It works best with short sightedness, but can also correct farsightedness, presbyopia (the need for reading glasses) and astigmatism.
Safe, Non-surgical, Naturally Reversible The effect is not permanent, and your eyes will return to normal after a few days if you stop wearing the Ortho K contact lenses overnight. It’s pleasing to know there are no greater risks in wearing Ortho K lenses than with normal contacts. The Ortho K lenses are surprisingly comfortable to wear and most people comment that they forget they have lenses in the eyes after the first night of sleeping with them in.
How does it work?
The lenses are worn every night for about 6-8 hours. During your sleep, the rigid, gas permeable contact lens temporarily reshapes the top layer of the cornea. This reduces myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness) or astigmatism so that you won't have to wear glasses or contact lenses during the day.
The degree of correction achieved varies depending on your prescription. We can advise on the degree of correction at your appointment.
Is it safe?
If it is properly handled and good hygiene is maintained, it does not pose any extra risk compared to a normal soft contact lens. There is no minimum age for a child to wear these lenses, as long as contact lens care procedures are followed with or without adult supervision.
How Safe Are Overnight Contact Lenses?
Does it really stop me from getting more short-sighted?
According to current research, patients with orthokeratology treatment progressed at about 50% of the rate compared to spectacle wearers on average. However, results may vary from person to person as each individual responds differently.
Benefits of Ortho-K
Gently and gradually reshapes the surface of eyes to correct refractive error.
Gives excellent day time vision.
Great for screen workers who suffer from dry eyes, especially in air-conditioning with regular contacts, and don’t want to wear spectacles.
Great solution for people who work or play in dusty/dirty environments, those who engage in water sports or contact sports.
Save money over the long term on purchasing contacts and glasses.
New studies suggest that myopia progression in children can be slowed or stopped with the use of Ortho K lenses.
Just as safe to use as other over-night contact lenses.
Imagine no more glasses or contact lenses during the day… You have this option right now!
Benefits and risks of orthokeratology treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis
If any of these points apply to you, call us to arrange a preliminary assessment to confirm your suitability and discuss the benefits of Ortho-K in more detail. Our Optometrist is happy to give you a 5 Minute “Ortho K Consultation” straight after your comprehensive initial examination consultation.
Why Choose Glory Eyecare For Ortho-K
We practise evidence based optometry - our testing and recommendations are based on the findings from years of research and experience of leading practitioners worldwide.
Dedicated and experienced Ortho-k practitioner and contact lens specialist since 1988 - fitted thousands cases of rigid gas permeable contact lenses.
Member of Orthokeratology of Oceania since 2011.
Attended every ortho-k conference organised by Orthokeratology of Oceania since joining as a member.
Certified to fit different ortho-k lens designs, including various custom designs - maximising successful rate for all levels of cases.
Experienced and registered therapeutic optometrist since 2013 - solving related eye health issues efficiently, and minimising any time- consuming and costly referral.
Top national and international consultant panel support - we help you to seek for opinion from the experts in the world, therefore, you don't need to seek for other opinion yourself which can be very time-consuming, costly and confusing because different practitioners have different experience, perspective and communication.
Gold standard corneal topographer for corneal mapping for screening, monitoring and problem solving.
Biomicroscopy with camera & video for checking, recording and explaining lens fitting, eye health and lens condition.
International highest quality lenses, solutions and accessories.
Thorough examination & answer all your questions.
Currently, we are setting up the first Myopia and Ortho-k Clinic in Perth.
We have purchased an equipment for axial length measurement which allow us to manage myopia professionally.
We are happy to help for complex, challenging and unconventional cases which was reluctant to be handled by other practitioners, such as high myopia, high astigmatism, multifocal, post-LASIK, keratoconus, etc,
Orthokeratology FAQs
Some of our ortho-k cases are shown as below:

Central Corneal Stainings

In early 2018, a 12 years old Asian boy came in for a routine ortho-k checkup. He came from overseas and had been wearing ortho-k lenses for myopia control for 5 years. He was using his fourth pairs which was 4 months old. He mentioned blurry unaided distance vision with his right eye. His mother reported that the practitioner had to prescribe the lens which under-corrected the moderate myopia of his right eye; it was because the lens which could fully correct his myopia caused corneal issue. My examination found that his eyes were normal and the condition of his lenses were good.
In early 2019, he needed new lenses and I fitted him with custom design lenses in order to fully correct his vision. After wearing the new lenses for 5 weeks, his right eye developed central corneal stainings which required lay-off of the right lens and used topical antibiotic medication for a few days, and then refitting the right lens with different parameters in order to avoid the same problem in the future. After using the remade lens, only trace corneal stainings were found occasionally in subsequent check ups and no medication was required.
In mid 2020, his lenses needed to be replaced again and I tried different lens design. Since then, there has been no significant corneal staining problem till last visit in April 2021. The patient and his parents were happy about the result.
In fact, his sister had the similar issue, management and successful outcome as her brother.
The photos of the patients were taken in Jan 2021.
Guide: Experienced and dedicated orthokeratologists and therapeutic optometrists who are certified to fit different lens designs, including custom designs, related problem solving knowledge and skill, and also most updated information. In addition, sufficient related good quality equipment is very important, such as slit lamp imaging and gold standard corneal topographer, e.g. Medmont E300. Good outcomes require trust, understanding, patience, co-operation and long-term commitment from practitioner, patient and parents.
Irregular Cornea and Residual Power

A middle aged Caucasian male was referred to me by his previous ortho-k practitioner in another state because another optometrist in Perth could not correct the distance vision of his left eye after about 6 to 8 visits recently. He had been using ortho-k for about 4.5 years. His left eye could achieve 6/6- with residual power +0.50DS/-1.00DCx105. The patient reported slightly blurry vision and would like to see better.
I fitted him with an advanced custom design ortho-k lens and helped him to achieve 6/4.8p with minimal
residual power after wearing the new lens for about 7 weeks. He was very pleased with the result.
Guide: Experienced orthokeratologists who are certified to fit different lens designs, including advanced custom designs, and related problem solving knowledge and skill are important for good vision and outcomes.
Night Haloes for -5.00D Myopia

Patient: 20 year old young man.
History: Myopia Progression with spectacles and disposable contact lenses. Both eye about -5.00D myopia.
Symptoms: Saw haloes at night after wearing his first orthok lenses. Less confident to drive at night.
Diagnosis: Treatment zones were small.
Management: Refitted with different orthok lens design and special treatment.
Outcome: Treatment zones were increased tremendously. Night haloes significantly reduced. Happy with the outcome and confident to drive at night.
Guide: Dedicated orthokeratologists who are certified to fit different lens designs, including advanced custom designs, and willing to research and find the best soultion to achieve the best outcome.
Disposable Contact Lens Intolerance from Dry Eyes

Her comment: "I was not happy with my last optometrist in a big shopping centre because the contact lenses were not comfortable for years; they caused blurry vision, dizziness, migraines headaches. Then this practice was recommended by my friend. When I was told by Leon, the optometrist, that I could see without my glasses, I thought that how was it possible. Then he explained to me that I could wear this special contact lenses at night time while sleeping which could shape my corneas to see clearly like before I wore glasses. I was a bit skeptical because of whether it would work and the cost involved. Then I bite the bullet and went through the fitting process. Leon was very very thorough, professional, knowledgable, and made me feel comfortable. I was fine after going through the process. I collected the lenses and the first night was a mild foreign body sensation just after lens insertion but disappeared while sleeping. Next morning, the vision was a lot clearer without my glasses, I could see further away and drive. By the afternoon, my vision started fading a bit and I needed to wear glasses for TV and longer distance; I didn’t need my glasses for computers. In the second day, my distance vision was fully corrected already but with shadows around light sources indoor but better in brighter environments. In day 3, I could see road signs really clear without glasses. The shadows on TV in dark rooms were more prominent and casued a bit of blurriness. Leon advised me to turn the light on at that time which made a massive difference. From then on, my vision has been getting better and better; and I am fine now. It is like a miracle and I could not believe if I didn’t try it! I highly recommend people to try it. It seems that the initial cost is high but I won’t have to spend money on glasses, contact lenses and prescription sunglasses. Also it is a lot more convenient than changing glasses for different activities and times of the day. Do yourself a life changing favour and get them! I give this practice 5 star for the serivces and my experience!"
Patient: 40 year old female.
Symptoms: Eyes can't see clearly and unstable with disposable contact lenses, with dizziness and migraines headaches. Moderate to severe grittiness. Moderate irritation with contact lenses, eye drops relieved for half an hour only. She went back to the previous optometrist for a few times and lenses were changed but the problem was not solved.
Management: Treating her dry eyes. Refitted with orthok lenses.
Guide: Every optometrist is different. Dedicated orthokeratologists who are therapeutic endorsed, have up-to-date knowledge and skill, are able to advise and provide you the best option for the best outcome, such as dry eye management and orthokeratolgy. Focus on the outcome rather than the price, otherwise, money and time will be wasted with unsatisfaction and disappointment. Look for quality professional optometrists with knowledge, skill and experience; don't judge by the popularity created by advertisement or the price.
"What is cheap is always the most costly." German Proverb